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Nuclear Science
Peace Thru Development
Media Items
Nuclear Science
Peace Thru Development
Media Items
North America
North America
South America
13th, 14th, 15th Amendments to the Constition of the USA
4th of July in America
A basic right to select your leader
A Black Responds to Democrats Insane Vow to Disband Police
A Brief Guide to Leftist Destruction
A Christmas Light - 2019
A Lebanese - American Story, Hope For The Middle East
A remembrance of President John F Kennedy with performance of W A Mozarts Requiem - Schiller Chorus
A Synthesis of Discovery About SarsCov-2 in the USA
A Winter Message
About Thomas P Cochran and the NRDC
Afghanistan and the incompetence of the West
Aiming For The Iceberg
Al Gores hypocrisy knows no limits
Alleviating Hunger, Thirst, and Disease
America - Apocalypse Never - False Gods for Lost Souls
America - How 3 Billionaires Plunged the World into Climate Catastrophism
American ignorance is growing fast (like a cancer)
American ingenuity, commitment, capability and capacity
Americans have been lied to
Americas dependency on imports may be stagnating its economy
Americas empire is bankrupt
Americas Founding Is The Greatest Anti-Slavery Movement
Americas Nightmare Winter - is coming
Baltimore city schools and administration
Beethoven Invades The Corridors of Power
Beware of climate activists cosplaying as conservatives
Biden - Can clean energy schemes get any crazier
Biden - Disastrous Withdrawal from Afghanistan Still Haunts the West
Biden - Disconnected from America
Biden - Eliminating Fossil Fuels
Biden - Energy policies incompetent, intolerable
Biden - EPA Electric Rationing Madness
Biden - Plans to get rid of 60% of electric power
Biden - Promoting environmental destruction, human rights abuses
Biden - Releases Oil From Strategic Reserve
Biden - Sweeping power plant regulations
Biden Buggy and Justin Jalopy
Biden Delusion of Transition to Just Electricity
Biden nuclear strategy
Billionaire climate elites have their own rules
Billionaire crony corporatist schemes
California bans internal combustion cars and trucks by 2035
California has energy policy problems
Can electronic circuitry with micro vacuum tubes survive a nuclear attack
Can we avoid fooling ourselves
Candy bomber lessons for Ukraine - and daily life
Change in way of life in USA 1920 to 2021
Choosing a college and having a sound career
Christine Craig: biologist, multi-talented lover of the outdoors
Cities, states would lose voice on model energy code updates
Climate and fossil fuel alarmist saviors
Climate policy should not be used on hospital emissions
Climate Stalinism
CO2 is not pollution. It is the currency of life.
Cochabamba, Virginia, Colorado
Colorado history of cities and San Luis Valley
Comments on Green New Deal
Comments on President Donald Trump
Compare Buddhist philosophical and U.S. election debates
Confronting Bidens energy mistakes
David Burton, Canada - Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia
Dear Lord what were you thinking
Dear World: Sorry about our president
Deaths from preventable causes, normal flu perhaps same as COVID-19
Debate between science and engineering
Democracy has a peculiar aftertaste
Democrats still embrace their slave-master roots
Discovery about radiation and life. Wilderness experience
Dogma Rules -- Unchallenged
Earth Day in Denver, Colorado, USA, April 22, 2023
Easter Message by Diane Sare
Education is one of the most challenging issues
Electrify Everything Everywhere For The Climate And Economy
Elon Musk - Green Agenda is a Death Cult
Elon Musk scientist dreamer
Endangerment Finding Expanded EPA Regulatory Power
Energy Keepers Energy Killers: The New Civil Rights Battle
Eric Jelinski, nuclear, chemical, mechanical engineer, soils and agriculture expert - Canada
ESG efforts to rid the world of fossil fuels will drive humanity back to medieval times
Example set by Native Americans
Experts raise alarm after Biden strikes agreement with China to shut down fossil fuels
Facts and fallacies about America’s economic pie
Fair Trade for thee but not for me
Fake videos of real people
Farewell Address by George Washington with advice on political parties
Fear - The Best Tool of the Ruling Class
Fewer children because of climate change anxiety
Fight virus not carbon
Fighting blind tides of history - Atlantic Council
Find the cure, ignore the symptoms
Four essays on the madness of our times
Freeman Dyson Physicist and Iconoclastic Thinker Dies At 96
Freeman Dyson RIP
Gary Young - Life-long interest in science, energy and water resources
Global temperature anomaly and John Kerry
Global Warming and Irrelevance of Science
Goals to destroy the free world
Government is Response to Covid-19 Virus
Graduates face a big challenge
Great power focus underpins military failures
Green Fascists Are Destroying the World
Green New Deal excludes nuclear
Green New Deal Fact Sheet
Green New Deal Ridiculous
Green New Deal wants 100 trillion dollars in 10 years
Harris - Walz are oblivious that the US economy can not exist with out crude oil.
Has America seen its finest hour
Hearing beauty - Beethoven, Helen Keller
How come?
How do you fight for a country you are taught to hate
How governments create inhumane bureaucracies
How the American Left empowers Putin
How the west got healthy and prosperous
How The West Is Destroying Itself
Importance of Americas 2020 election
In Memory of a Great Scientist - Fred Singer
Inaugural Address of President John F. Kennedy
Inflation in USA - voters are furious
Introduction for those concerned about nuclear power, fossil fuels, and man-made global warming
Israeli message for Western Democracies
It is a green thing.....
Its the 1970s all over again - Jimmy Carter and Joe Biden
Joe Biden tells us anything
Joe Biden, the Unapologetic, Unpatriotic Globalist
Joe Bidens Manifesto
John A. Shanahan - Marquis Who is Who Press Release
John A. Shanahan - civil engineer - biography
John A. Shanahan - Explanation of Marquis Who is Who listing
John A. Shanahan - Marquis Who is Who biography
John Eidson - Biography
John Kerrys Idiotic Priorities
John Landis - engineering physicist - obituary
July 2020 Update on COVID-19
Katherine Johnson pioneering mathematician
Knowing Left From Right
Leftist Insanity - It is worse than you thought
Legalized climate grifting
Leo Rostermundt - Biography
Let us quarantine fake coronavirus and energy news
Letter to President of Princeton University on systemic racism
Letter to President-Elect Donald Trump
Littoral Combat Ship - U.S. Navy
Looming clean energy crisis
Magical thinking in America
Mankind's contributions to a beautiful world
Mantra of the radical LEFT - Never let a crisis go to waste
March for poverty
Marian Anderson - a beautiful voice for America
Message to U.S. National Academy of Sciences
Michael Bloomberg Announces 242 Million Dollar Bid to Shut Down Coal
Michael Shellenberger for governor of California
Michael Shellenberger on Joe Rogan - San Fransicko
Most presidents ignore the Constitution
Mountain memories from South America and Asia
Multiculturalism is destroying America and Europe
National Debt Is Overt 34 Trillion Dollars. Time For Truth
Net Zero Is A "Suicide Pact"***
Net Zero policies have trivial effect on temperature
Newsoms energy regulations have oil tankers emitting twice what all of Californias vehicle do
NucleOculture: Production of electricity, liquid fuels, fish, plants
Observations about website
Ode to Joy for 21st Century - Becoming an Expert
Original influences
Our Country, Then and Now
Our Decaying Civilization
Our Energy Problems Are Getting Worse
Our One-Party Democracy
Patrick Moore, ecologist -biography
Perspective on past pandemics
Por qué estudiar Ciencias Nucleares?
Positions on energy and man-made global warming
Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome
Radical leftists say oil companies are committing climate murder
Radicals are racist criminals
Ralph M Parsons - Projects for a better world
Reason they blame heat deaths, blackouts, forest fires on climate change is they cause them
Recognizing opportunity and following up
Recommendations on energy and climate change
Resignation at the New York Times
Risk and fear
Sam Brinton Saves The World - Not Really
San Francisco Agency Tells Employees to Stay Safe at Home
Saved from Socialist conquest of America
Science Advisor, John Holdren, rejects dialogue on energy
Self-Delusion: Pretending America Is A Functioning Democracy
Social Engineering - Environmentalism and Globalization
Sodium Laser Guide Star
Song about the ghetto
Supreme Court Reins in the Bureaucracy
Ten principles of security development architecture
The America I see - A Valentines Day story
The Democrats green moonshot
The genius behind the green revolution
The Green Immoralists
The Green New Deal
The Impending Collapse of US Empire
The intentional destruction of Americas cities
The Intrinsic Value of Nature
The Irony of The Written Word
The Left is losing the climate class war
The man who fed the world
The man who quietly saved millions of people
The Media
The Next General Election Could Mean Everything
The only Green New Deal that worked
The Real Democrats Who Are They
The Revolution
The Road to Global Serfdom
The Similarities Between ESG And Fascism Are Scary
The United States Is Even More Broke Than We Think
Theodore Rockwell - Biography
Thoughts at 78 years of age
Thoughts of American college students about education, cities, and energy
Topics to address in 2024
Traitors of the ages - Presidents 41, 42, 43, and 44
Trillion-dollar deficits for years to come
Truth and Science - A Nobel Laureates Advice to Students
Two views about working for a better world
U.S. gets C grade for infrastructure maintenance and repair
Understanding the 31 trillion dollar debt of the USA in January, 2023
Unfathomable Ignorance and Manipulation on the Grandest of Scales
Universities breed evil
US economic self-immolation over Covid-19
USA - The worlds most costly scientific error
USA domestic food production now collapsing
Washington Post criticizes Nobel Prize Winner for climate skepticism
We are going to get rid of fossil fuels
We Have To Save Our Constitutional Republic
We Teeter On The Brink of Catastrophe
What my 80 years have taught me
What the United States should stand for
What was the real reason for Operation Fast and Furious?
Where I am on energy, man-made global warming, prosperity, and government
Who is John Shanahan - advocate for sound energy and truth in climate science
Who picks fights you can not win
Why are 8 of 11 US aircraft carrier groups always in home port
Why are so many people so ignorant of the truth?
Why Biden Keeps Lying About Energy
Why Study Nuclear Science
Why Western Civilization Is Going South
Will UAW strike perpetuate the death spiral already mandated for the automobile industry
William Happer, physicist
William McRaven asks Trump to revoke his security clearance
Willie Soon, astrophysicist - Man-made global warming skeptic
You will own nothing - book review
Your life under the Green New Deal