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A hitchhikers guide through climate change

  • Article Countries: USA
  • Article Year: 2020

A Hitchhiker’s Journey Through Climate Change is an eye-opener for the general public, particularly the victims of climate change social wars. This book takes its reader on a climate change journey while pointing out all the myths and opinions of the “end-of-the-world prophets” related to it.

A New Paradigm for Climate Science - CO2 is Innocent

  • Article Countries: USA
  • Article Year: 2017

The Greenhouse Effect is a pressure-induced thermal enhancement (PTE) and not a radiative phenomenon driven by heat-absorbing gases as currently believed. Hence, carbon emissions cannot affect the global climate. The sensitivity of Earth’s climate to CO2 is virtually zero! Some 500 years ago, Copernicus simplified the complicated model describing planetary retrogressions by conceptually observing Earth from afar. The study by Nikolov and Zeller (2017) simplifies the understanding of the physics of climate by taking a similar broad extra-terrestrial perspective. Their findings also provide new insight as to why the IPCC-supported Global Climate Models (GCMs) based on the radiative Greenhouse concept fail to predict observed global temperature trends, hence should not be used for policy decision making.

A simple explanation of the new climate science

  • Article Countries: USA
  • Article Year: 2019
  • Publisher:

Ed Berry, physicist and climate scientist: New calculations prove all human CO2 emitted since 1750 has added only 31 ppm (parts per million) of CO2 to the atmosphere, and natural CO2 has added 100 ppm. All human carbon has added only one percent to the carbon in Earth’s carbon cycle. Nature has added much more carbon to the carbon cycle than humans have added. IPCC’s human carbon cycle calculations are invalid because IPCC based its calculations on its assumption that human CO2 emissions caused all the CO2 increase above 280 ppm. There is no valid scientific basis for climate alarmism.

A time for perspective

  • Article Countries: USA
  • Article Year: 2020
  • Publisher:

The 20th Century brought horrendous suffering and death. The covid pandemic of 2019 - 2021 caused several million deaths but much less than other pandemics and acts of man. Politicians triggered a global economic downturn that led to a reduction in man-made carbon dioxide emissions. But this did not change the increasing atmospheric CO2 trajectory. The increase in atmospheric CO2 must be from another source, like release of CO2 from the oceans from a naturally warming world. Leaders of the free world are forcing very questionable energy policies (abandon fossil fuels and nuclear power - go with wind and solar). That is unjustified and scientifically baseless. The decisions of alarmist politicians and their backers will cause tremendous suffering and death. Our worst enemies are among us.


  • Article Countries: Germany
  • Article Year: 2021

Der Mensch nutzt seit Beginn der Industrialisierung unzählige Maschinen und Vorgänge, die einen besseren Lebensstandard und eine immer umfangreichere Produktion und eine schnelle grenzenlose Beweglichkeit zu verleihen. Der Antrieb aller Technik ist das Umformen von chemischer Energie (Öl, Kohle, Gas) in andere Energieformen nach den Gesetzen der Thermodynamik.

Solch ein Ablauf erfordert einen Bereich höherer und einen niedrigerer Temperatur. Je grösser deren Unterschied umso grösser der Wirkungsgrad des Prozesses.

Eine detaillierte Quantifizierung, die nicht einfach gefunden werden kann, könnte das relative Ausmass dieser Erwärmung erkennbarer machen, aber die hier dargestellte qualitative Betrachtung (qualitativ wie der vermutete, Einfluss des CO2) ist ein physikalisches naturgegebenes Faktum.

About Climate Models - Garbage In, Garbage Out

  • Article Countries: USA
  • Article Year: 2017
  • Publisher: TRCS

Harold Doiron, Ph.D. Chairman, The Right Climate Stuff Research Team (Retired NASA scientists and engineers): Since America’s national security depends in part on energy security, unsubstantiated claims about global warming that prevent policymakers from making “rational decisions” with regard to the development of U.S. energy resources have become a national security threat. “At NASA, we have a policy: You can’t make a design decision on a spacecraft or rocket that is not validated,” he said. “You don’t make critical decisions based on ‘garbage in, garbage out.’ Yet our government has been doing that with respect to climate alarm.”

Activos energetico y desarrollo

  • Article Countries: Mexico
  • Article Year: 2018

Edgar Ocampo Tellez: El propósito de este trabajo es el de realizar un acercamiento a las condiciones que serán necesarias construir durante las próximas décadas para que México logre alcanzar un modelo energético sostenible hacia el horizonte 2050. - The objective of this paper is to examine all energy sources for Mexico to have sustainable energy supplies by 2050. This primarily includes wind, solar, fossil fuels. There are no plans to replace their nuclear plants, in part because there are no companies in the USA or Europe to build them. So far, Mexico has not turned to Russia, China or South Korea to provide new nuclear plants.

Actual temperature versus climate models

  • Article Countries: New Zealand
  • Article Year: 2017

Bryan Leyland, power systems design, mechanical engineer: Most people who believe in dangerous man-made global warming appear to be confident that the world will soon start to warm again and in 20 or 30 years time the predictions of the climate models will have proved to be correct. Many also tell us that we will have reached the 2° "tipping point" where, they claim, irreversible climatic changes will occur by 2050.

Africa - A Hitchhikers Journey Through Climate Change, Chapter 7.3 Social Injustice, Environment, Theft

  • Article Countries: USA
  • Article Year: 2020
  • Publisher:

Open your heart and your brain. Look at this photo, in Section 7.3.1. of article below. Look at it again, and again. Don’t be lazy, don’t be squeamish; look at each face; each has his or her unique gift from nature and God.

First and foremost, I am a lover of humanity, and right alongside that, I’m a lover of nature.

Why have we been conditioned, like Pavlov’s dogs, to confuse CO2 with pollution? That’s the question we will answer in this section.

AGW built on failed scientific assuptions and economic speculations

  • Article Countries: Germany
  • Article Year: 2016
  • Publisher: Kalte Sonne

Uli Weber - geophysicist,, P. Gosselin: Since the G7-Summit (2015) and the Climate Summit COP21 in Paris (2015), the political aim of many governments is to stop use of fossil fuels by 2100 and supposedly save our planet from anthropogenic global warming (AGW). The AGW-paradigm is allegedly supported by 97% of all climate scientists worldwide. Global decarbonisation has even been recommended by some religious leaders. .. .. Should we abandon our excellent living-standards based on fossil fuels and accept these doomsday predictions?

Aliens Cause Global Warming - Environmentalism as Religion

  • Article Countries: USA
  • Article Year: 2003 - 2023
  • Publisher:

Let me say at once that I have no desire to discourage anyone from believing in either extraterrestrials or global warming. That would be quite impossible to do. Rather, I want to discuss the history of several widely-publicized beliefs and to point to what I consider an emerging crisis in the whole enterprise of science—namely the increasingly uneasy relationship between hard science and public policy.

NOTE by Gary Young: I have for 30 years been working on a book called True Belief. That started in 1968 when the Navy assigned me and four more at other universities the task of creating a college text - Management for Midshipmen. That was because so many leftists in the 52 colleges and university that had Navy ROTC units who thought the Naval Leadership course then taught was not academically worthy. Turns out the other four all bailed and I was left working with two professors from UCLA then trying it out on my students at Oregon State. It worked well with my students but when I sent it up the chain of command to become an official Navy publication to be used in the next academic year at all 52 schools, it came back looking little like I sent up. Still, I caught the bug on trying to identify what makes people tick. I don’t think I or anyone else will ever really nail it, but it has been an interesting journey. Eric Hoffer made a good start. Crichton reminded me of another aspect, most people have a strong need to believe in something and perhaps anything just to validate their existence. Surprisingly, the greater the gaps in logic, science, reality, etc., the stronger the beliefs necessary to bridge the gaps!

All About Energy Newsletter 2022 Issue 9

  • Article Countries: USA
  • Article Year: 2022

The main article in this issue is the World Report Card on Climate, Fossil Fuels, Nuclear, and Related Government Policies.

All electricity pollutes

  • Article Countries: Canada
  • Article Year: 2022

Science pointing to Myths and False Propaganda surrounding the production of electricity is suppressed! Does that Producing, Distributing and Storing electricity hurt anyone? Why is there such a reluctance to publish the Scientific Facts explaining the High Environmental Damage caused from Producing, Transmitting and Storing electricity for driving Electric Cars?

Renewables . . .One wind turbine contains 800 lbs. of Neo-Dymium Boron. More radiation is released making these rare-earth magnets in Mongolia each Year than all the nuclear reactors in the USA, combined. As one environmentalist told the Daily Mail, “There is not one step of the rare earth mining process that is not disastrous for the environment.”

All uses of energy in the United States for 2015 and 2021

  • Article Countries: USA
  • Article Year: 2016
  • Publisher: Source of graphs - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Wind and solar are very small contributors to generation for electricity. It is only because they are very small parts that they can be tolerated on the modern electric grid at all. Wind and solar are a negligible contribution to reducing coal, oil, and natural gas and thus supposedly stopping man-made global warming.

Allergies to Facts Make Politicians Hurt People

  • Article Countries: USA, Europe
  • Article Year: 2021
  • Publisher:,,

Scientists know that, rather than increased atmospheric CO2 causing temperatures to increase, additional CO2 in the atmosphere follows ocean temperature increases and decreases.

Every child and adult knows this from watching “bubbly” leaving soda, sparkling wine, and beer as drinks warm.

Allow whims of alarmists to dictate policy - Then pay the price

  • Article Countries: Europe
  • Article Year: 2021
  • Publisher:

We’ve allowed the whims of ill-informed alarmists to dictate policy, and now we’re paying the price. A small army of extremists were formed by the higher-ups and were then let loose on a politically-correct west — this was only ever going to end one way…

A jet stream will revert from its standard Zonal Flow to a Meridional Flow and, depending on which side of the jet you’re on, you’ll either experience a spell of unseasonably cold or hot weather and/or a period of unusually dry or wet conditions.