- Article Authors:
Michel Gay
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Michel Gay, l'Association des écologistes pour le nucléaire (AEPN): This is an excellent collection of articles by Michel Gay in 2015 on nuclear energy and fossil fuels and related topics.
- Article Authors:
Michel Gay
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Michel Gay, l'Association des écologistes pour le nucléaire (AEPN): This is an excellent collection of articles by Michel Gay in 2014 on nuclear energy and fossil fuels and related topics.
- Article Authors:
Michel Gay
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Michel Gay, l'Association des écologistes pour le nucléaire (AEPN): This is an excellent collection of articles by Michel Gay in 2016 on nuclear energy and fossil fuels and related topics.
- Article Authors:
Michel Gay
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Michel Gay, l'Association des écologistes pour le nucléaire (AEPN): This is an excellent collection of articles by Michel Gay in 2017 on nuclear energy and fossil fuels and related topics.
- Article Authors:
Michel Gay
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Michel Gay, l'Association des écologistes pour le nucléaire (AEPN): This is an excellent collection of articles by Michel Gay in 2018 on nuclear energy and fossil fuels and related topics.
- Article Authors:
Michel Gay
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- Article Year:
Michel Gay, l'Association des écologistes pour le nucléaire (AEPN): This is an excellent collection of articles by Michel Gay in 2019 on nuclear energy and fossil fuels and related topics.
- Article Authors:
Chris Manuell and John Shanahan
- Article Countries:
UK and USA
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Half the people on Earth live in warmer climates - the blue circle on the map below. So do most corals, marine life, plants, trees, insects, birds, and animals. A little warming in colder regions of the planet is beneficial. These warmer regions have lived more peacefully for thousands of years than people in the colder regions. Humanity must not be forced to take the climate alarmist pronouncements of European and North Americans, their royalty, politicians, behind the scenes manipulators, and bankers.
- Article Authors:
Howard Cork Hayden
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Imagine a large room with perfectly insulating walls. The room contains chairs, tables, books, sheets of paper, pitchers and glasses of water, some flowering plants, and so forth. Now comes the question:
“If we add some heat (say 1 MJ) to the room, how much does the temperature rise?”
“If we add a certain heat flux (say 1 W/m2) all over the surface of the earth, how much would the temperature rise? So many assumptions are involved that the calculated temperature rise can be pretty much anything. Start programming your supercomputer!
Now turn that unanswerable question around and ask an answerable question:
“If the temperature of the surface rises by (say) 1ºC, how much more IR does it emit?”
- Article Authors:
Calvin Beisner
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- Publisher:
Cornwall Alliance
Calvin Beisner, Cornwall Alliance: Opponents of fossil fuel-fired electricity generation play the role of those who would demand banning aspirin. They’re focusing on its comparatively minor risks and ignoring both its tremendous benefits and the ready ways to minimize its risks.
- Article Authors:
Sebastian Luening
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- Publisher:
Kalte Sonne
Die Kalte Sonne, Sebastian Luening: Die Wissenschaftsgeschichte ist reich an Entdeckungen, Fortschritt, Irrungen und Wirrungen. Wie werden zukünftige Generationen von Forschern die Geschichte der Klimawissenschaften sehen? Wo werden Sie den Wendepunkt zwischen ungebremstem Alarm und einsetzendem Klimarealismus setzen?
- Article Authors:
Ed Berry
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Ed Berry, atmospheric physicist: This is a graph showing 10,000 dots representing atmospheric greenhouse gasses. Carbon dioxide from fossil fuels is only 12 dots out of 10,000. How can these 12 dots cause global warming? How can reducing these 12 dots even down to six dots begin to have a significant effect on Earth's climate? Climate Alarmists tell you they can. Most scientists say that reducing these 12 dots representing carbon dioxide from fossil fuels by half or entirely will have negligible effect on Earth's climate. So chose who you think is correct and chose carefully!
- Article Authors:
Don Bogard
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TRCS https://www.therightclimatestuff.com/
Don Bogard, radio-geochemistry, nuclear geochemistry, planetary science: Carbon (C) exchange rates among C reservoirs tend to be at equilibrium unless and until a significant environmental change disturbs that. A significant increase in atmospheric (Atmos) CO2 concentration over the past century has been such a disturbance, and as a consequence a large fraction of that growth in Atmos CO2 has manifested as new plant growth and to increased ocean C levels. Increased temperature over the past century (which mostly has only modestly affected the ocean) and any tendency for warmer surface ocean to degas more CO2, has been over-powered by higher Atmos CO2 shifting the chemical equilibrium toward more dissolution of Atmos CO2 into the oceans. Higher decay rates of soil biotic material caused by the increased temperatures may be a source of part of the Atmos CO2 increase over the past century. However, it is most unlikely that organic decay has been other than a minor source, especially in the past few decades when Atmos CO2 was growing most rapidly.
- Article Authors:
Douglas Lightfoot - Orval Mamer
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- Publisher:
Energy & Environment
The total warming effect of all of the greenhouse gases is 324 W m-2. Thus, CO2 is (8.67/324) = 2.7% of the total. The other greenhouse gases, except for water vapour, account for 0.7%. Therefore, water vapour accounts for (100 – 3.4) ≈ 96% of global warming.
The results of these two independent scientific methods agree and show conclusively that CO2 is a very small part of global warming, and that whatever controls the level of water vapour in the atmosphere controls atmospheric temperature.
- Article Authors:
James Conca, Jessica Lovering
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- Publisher:
Forbes, The Breakthrough Institute
James Conca, scientist in the field of earth and environmental sciences. Contributor to Forbes: The Center for Global Development recently published a new report, Atoms for Africa, discussing how there is more interest in nuclear energy among African countries than the rest of the world realizes. Co-authored by Jessica Lovering, Director of Energy at the Breakthrough Institute, and three Fellows the report outlines how new nuclear technologies can accelerate deployment and solve fears like meltdowns and weapons proliferation. African countries with the most experience operating nuclear reactors are South Africa and Egypt. They should advance to the next level with more nuclear power and at the same time guide other African countries with strong nuclear regulatory agencies and professionals with nuclear and other engineering degrees.
- Article Authors:
Fritz Vahrenholt
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- Publisher:
Kalte Sonne
Fritz Vahrenholt, PhD Chemistry, Alleinvorstand der Deutschen Wildtier Stiftung: Das, was 1986 im Parteiprogramm der Grünen gefordert wurde, die Abschaffung der Atomindustrie, Automobilindustrie sowie Teilen der Chemieindustrie, ist längst in der Mitte der Gesellschaft zum Konsens geworden. Wie konnte das gelingen? Mit apokalyptischen Schreckensszenarien wird die Spaltung des Atoms, ebenso wie die geringfügige Erhöhung des lebensnotwendigen Moleküls CO2 in der Atmosphäre, zu Chiffren des Unheils.Wir müssen uns wieder dem zuwenden, was zu diesem Wohlstand geführt hat: Offenheit für Innovationen. Viel Hoffnung habe ich allerdings nicht.
- Article Authors:
Viv Forbes
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- Publisher:
Saltbush Club
Viv Forbes, Executive Director of the Saltbush Club which opposes the war on carbon energy, opposes real pollution, and promotes the rational and sustainable use of carbon energy and carbon food. Greens dream of a zero-emissions world without coal, oil and natural gas. They need to think what they wish for.
- Article Countries:
Australia, UK
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- Publisher:
GWPF - Global Warming Policy Forum
Clive James, poet, writer, realist about man-made global warming: Newcomers to this site will soon discover, I hope, that it is meant to be rather more than an archive of my own work. It started out that way, but merciful Providence intervened to remind me that my belated brain-wave might be more useful if I could put a lifetime’s experience as a cultural critic to a new use, and so offer a critical guide, through the next medium, to works of thought and art by other people, and sometimes in other eras. The only criterion for inclusion would be intensity of expression, with the aim of creating, in this latterday Babelic flux we call the web, an island of quality where every word is meant, and every image meaningful. https://www.clivejames.com/
- Article Authors:
Tony Abbot
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- Publisher:
Global Warming Policy Foundation
Tony Abbott: Former Prime Minister of Australia: Discusses the importance of being able to doubt in many areas of life in the western world, in particular regarding the topic of man-made global warming, man-made climate disruption, man-made climate change or whatever the new name they give it is and the ability to doubt their claims they can control and reverse all changes in Earth's climate.
- Article Authors:
Viv Forbes
- Article Countries:
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- Publisher:
Saltbush Club
Viv Forbes, Executive Director of the Saltbush Club which opposes the war on carbon energy, opposes real pollution, and promotes the rational and sustainable use of carbon energy and carbon food. Poem dedicated to extreme green wind and solar energy programs.
- Article Authors:
Viv Forbes
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- Publisher:
saltbushclub.com Saltbush Club
The Anglo/American Empire today resembles the decadent dying days of Rome. Europe is becoming a green energy wasteland, the British Empire died with Churchill, and America has dodderers and adolescents in charge. Australia plans to defend the outback with battery-powered Bushmasters (good for battlefields with plenty of power points).
Our farmers and miners produced wool booms, gold rushes, silver booms, coal bonanzas, and a cornucopia of meat and butter, iron and steel, oil and gas, copper, lead, zinc, nickel, aluminium, lithium, cobalt, manganese and uranium. But now green dreamers think we can afford to destroy our processing and manufacturing industry with solar/wind dreams, shut the gate on mining and exploration, and turn farms, forests and grassland into industry-free world-heritage and first-nations wilderness.